
Friday, May 14, 2021

Weekend Links 5-14-21

One of the occupational hazards of compiling these weekly posts is I frequently run across book excerpts. This week is no exception. The worst part is the books end up on my endless TBR list. Readers' problems. 

Here are this week's articles of interest:

The true story of a daring prison break that Alfred Hitchcock spent the last decade of his life trying to film. 

Hidden History: The crucial role that Iceland played in the outcome of World War II

Say this for the Swedes: they really love candy. 

This has now been scientifically proven: why cats love empty boxes. 

A deep dive into what words can be used in Scrabble. It's not as straightforward as you might think. 

The country house plays an important role in Agatha Christie's novels. Chances are that a fictional home is based on a real place. 

Podcast of the week: I just stumbled across the True Spies podcast. Hosted by Hayley Atwell and Vanessa Kirby, the podcast features interviews with actual spies recounting some of the biggest cases in the history of espionage. I've only listened to three episodes so far but am completely hooked. 

Destinations for a baseball road trip in every state and Ontario. I have actually visited a couple of the places on this list. I'd love to visit some of the others. 

Why it is tougher than ever for Major League hitters. The only thing I would add is that too many hitters are focusing on home runs and not emphasizing contact enough. 

Declining offense is not the only problem that Major League Baseball is facing. Here's a great roundup of all the other issues our national pastime must fix in order to survive

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