Thursday, November 28, 2013

Daily Links 11-28-13

How music affects the brain, using Monk Mode to increase productivity, a Jane Austen trivia game, and more in today's roundup of links.


This is interesting: 8 ways that music affects the brain. Personally, I find I am more productive when I have music on in the background while working.


A half-hour wedding proposal went viral on YouTube. And that's not a good thing.

The problem with trying to turn a marriage proposal into a wannabe Oscar performance is twofold: first, it turns a monumental moment into essentially a creativity competition, the root of which is vanity. (Did anyone notice how the video focuses almost exclusively on the guy making it? It’s not about her, or even them – it’s about him.) 
But more importantly, it turns the focus away from the purpose of the proposal – marriage. Because guess what? The way a man proposes has nothing to do at all with love, commitment, loyalty, or longevity. I hate to bring up America’s 50% divorce rate, but in light of videos like this, I feel somewhat compelled. We can dream up brilliant, creative, unique ways to propose, but all the flash mobs and music videos in the world can’t save a marriage when it’s past this butterflies, pie-in-the-sky phase. If anything, all the hype and hoopla of an over-the-top proposal can distract from the serious, down-to-earth business of making sure that you are marrying the right person.


Total Film has a roundup of 50 movies that should have won an Oscar but didn't. My personal favorite is Rear Window. (Hat tip: Shrink Blog)


Monk mode as the key to insane productivity. I don't know if that would be the name that I put to it but I like the idea. There are times I have had to completely shut off everything in order to stay focused on a major project. It's not an everyday thing but it is a strategy that makes sense if you have a big task to focus on. (Hat tip Challies)


A Kickstarter for a Jane Austen Trivia Game. I have a feeling the women in my household could get behind that.


Could single-sex public schools be making a comeback? One group in the Bronx is trying to bring all-male public schools back to help young men in New York. The results appear to be promising.

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