Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Barack Obama Test

While surfing around on a few sites tonight I ran across an ad for the Barack Obama Test. The premise of this test is to help you determine how your views match up on key issues with Senator Obama.

It didn't surprise me all that much that I disagreed with Senator Obama on every single issue. I'm a conservative and the Senator is extremely liberal.

But what surprised me more was what else I learned from the results. After you answer all 48 questions you not only get to see how your answers match up with Senator Obama but you also get to see how other Americans responded to the same questions. The poll questions were pulled together from several issues-oriented opinion polls that have been conducted throughout the campaign. On every single question, more respondents took a contrary view on the issue to Senator Obama's.

I've long thought that this election was more about personality than about issues. Voters seem to like Senator Obama more even though ideologically they don't line up with him.

Take the test for yourself and see. Just click the button below.

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