Friday, April 03, 2020

Weekend Links 4-3-20

Happy Friday! Hopefully you are staying safe and hunkered down at home. Here's your assortment of links of interest for your weekend reading.

You can virtually ride Disneyland and Disney World rides from the comfort of your own couch.

If you are like me and thought that word games began with the invention of the crossword you would be wrong. 

Due to the national shortage of hand sanitizer, many craft distilleries like this one in Massachusetts are stepping up production to help out.

Fashion inspiration from Ken Burns' Baseball. Incidentally, the series is free to stream from PBS right now.

How and why crime books (especially Penguins) embraced the color green.

These are tough times for bookstores but they can be saved. 

I couldn't agree more: Animal Crossing is the perfect way to spend quarantine. Full disclosure: our entire family of four has been playing since the day the game released. We may or may not have bought our Switch solely to be able to play the game.

The true story of Thomas "Toad" Ramsey (yes, that really was his nickname) who invented both a cocktail and the knuckleball. 

This is what happens when you are home with your kids with too much time on your hands.

This is fantastic.

Podcast of the week: Faithwire - Love in the time of Coronavirus. This is a very insightful podcast with Andy Crouch and Sarah Pulliam Bailey. A very interesting discussion about how things will change as a result of the pandemnic. Also helpful is this article which is referenced in the podcast that takes the view that this is only the beginning of a host of changes we are facing as a culture and that organizations would be well served to face the fact that changes are coming.

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