Friday, July 17, 2020

Weekend Links 7-17-20

Happy Friday! If all goes well next week there will be baseball. Given how things are these days it's hard to predict the future. Personally I hope we have baseball. It has been a long summer without it. 

A quick word about the purpose of these posts. Each week I accumulate links of interest. These are things that I found interesting or particularly diverting. I hope that you will find them enjoyable as well. Now, on to this week's links.

Perhaps because we watch a lot of Korean drama in our household we have a pretty good feel for Korean culture. Maybe that's why this article on young South Koreans rebelling against cultural norms was so interesting. 

This is good news: The Far Side creator Gary Larson is sharing new cartoons after a 25 year hiatus.

I didn't know that burning the fields is a recommended method for growing blueberries.

Satchel Paige is arguably one of the best pitchers in the history of baseball. Here's a long look at his storied career.

Albert Mohler has released his list of recommended summer reading which features a selection of top non-fiction titles. I am currently reading The Splendid And The Vile which is on his list and am thoroughly enjoying it. I always look forward to this annual list. 

Speaking of book lists, here is a list of the top 10 Agatha Christie novels. Having read most of these I can vouch for this list. 

Meet the schoolteacher that sparked America's craft beer revolution

A history of playing cards from around the world.

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