Friday, May 23, 2008

Quick Takes - 5-23-08

A few random links for your consideration:

What will be the fallout from the recent same-sex marriage ruling in California? I'm not sure whether the state will go red but the Supreme Court sure made the job of California Republicans a lot easier. Related link: Rick Santorum doesn't regret sounding the alarm on marriage in '03. Also, Senator Obama still hasn't figured out how to win votes in the heartland.

I had been meaning to post a review of Prince Caspian (we saw it last weekend), but this review sums up my thoughts about the movie much better than I could.

Memo to Maxine Waters: the word you are looking for is nationalize, a la Hugo Chavez. Pretty scary stuff.

This is no surprise: a Texas court ruled that the state had no right to remove 400 children from a polygamist cult's compound. Once the dust settles and the courts figure out what to do with all the kids, expect numerous lawsuits to be filed against the state.

Instant replay in baseball? Say it ain't so!

VP Sweeps: the candidates begin looking at possible running mates. I'd be willing to get Obama doesn't offer Hillary the spot no matter how hard she tries to muscle her way onto the ticket.

Finding hope in the aftermath of natural disasters. And tragic events. Our prayers go out to those affected by these recent events.

Finally, a reminder of what we celebrate this weekend. Here's one way to support the troops.

Have a great weekend.

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