Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Daily Links 10-15-13

The sound of Hitchcock, the effect of pornography on the brain, dealing with critics, how to make your own candy corn and more in today's roundup of links.


When most people think of Alfred Hitchcock's films, they think about his visual style. But he also thought a lot about how a picture should sound in order to build suspense and drama in his films.


New research shows the effect that pornography has on the brain:

As William M. Struthers of Wheaton College explains, “Men seem to be wired in such a way that pornography hijacks the proper functioning of their brains and has a long-lasting effect on their thoughts and lives.”

Struthers is a psychologist with a background in neuroscience and a teaching concentration in the biological bases of human behavior. In Wired for Intimacy: How Pornography Hijacks the Male Brain, Struthers presents key insights from neuroscience that go a long way toward explaining why pornography is such a temptation for the male mind.

“The simplest explanation for why men view pornography (or solicit prostitutes) is that they are driven to seek out sexual intimacy,” he explains. The urge for sexual intimacy is God-given and essential to the male, he acknowledges, but it is easily misdirected. Men are tempted to seek “a shortcut to sexual pleasure via pornography,” and now find this shortcut easily accessed.

In a fallen world, pornography becomes more than a distraction and a distortion of God’s intention for human sexuality. It comes as an addictive poison.


Thanks to Alton Brown you can make your own candy corn.


A handy guide for home maintenance. There are a lot of great tips in this list and several things I had never even considered that I needed to do.


Dealing with critics is always difficult. Here are some helpful tips on how to do it.


25 great quotes on leadership.


Some recommended books for would-be writers.

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