Wednesday, October 27, 2004

More evidence that the media is biased

La Shawn Barber has a great piece this morning on the media. She's a professional writer, by the way, not an amateur like me. Her site is a must read daily.

Brent Bozell, as always, has a great column today. If you have ever doubted whether the media is biased, go over to his site to get the real story. Here is their take on the explosives fiasco.

Rich Galen has an interesting idea on how to respond to the latest attempt by the media to manipulate the outcome of the election. I wonder if it will catch on?

Check out this.

Just wondering: how did the Kerry campaign manage to get this ad put together within a day of the New York Times breaking the story on the "missing" explosives? Can anyone say coordination?

Is it just me or does John Kerry seem remarkably like Wile E. Coyote?

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