Friday, March 04, 2005

Friday Quick Takes

It's Friday which means it's time for another assortment of worthwhile links:

Mind And Media is a new site devoted to showcasing new books and other products. Stacy Harp, the founder, is recruiting bloggers to help promote new books. Check out her site and if you'd like to help out send her an e-mail.

Jim over at Stones Cry Out has an interesting post on Freedom of Speech for Churches and Charities.

Jeff at the Dawn Treader has some Emerging Concerns and with good reason. I haven't done a whole lot of reading on the Emergent Church movement but what I've read does not leave me with a good feeling. I can say I've witnessed seeker-friendly churches (including a visit to Willow Creek Community Church where Bill Hybels pastors and started the seeker-friendly movement) and had plenty of concerns after visiting there. Critics of the Emergent Church Movement suggest that it's worse that the seeker friendly movement. If that's the case then there is plenty of reason to be alarmed.

Dory at Wittenberg Gate has her third installment of Bloggers Best for Terri Schiavo.

Joe at Evangelical Outpost has some thoughts on issues currently facing the church. Seeker at Two or Three (.net) expands further on the problems facing churches.

Lorie Byrd, who is a friend of this blog and contributes over at Polipundit as well as having her own fine blog at Byrd Droppings is now also contributing over at a new blog called Confirm Them which is tracking developments in the judicial confirmation battles in the Senate. This will be a blog worth checking regularly in the coming months.

Robert Cox at The National Debate has some interesting thoughts on blogging that are worth reading. (Hat tip: Kevin McCullough).

Baseball Crank has some excellent analysis of the Supreme Court's decision this week to prohibit the use of the death penalty in cases where the criminal is under the age of 18.

Mommypundit believes the media is giving Howard Dean a free ride.

Blogroll update: Please welcome to the blogroll Agent Tim. He is wise far beyond his years. Not only does he have his own very fine blog but he's also a contributor for Virtue Magazine which is an online magazine started by a group of Christian students.

Finally, a personal prayer request. If you are so inclined, would you please pray for me on Sunday as I will be speaking at my church. I'm pretty nervous about this as it is not something I've done much of in the past.

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