Tuesday, March 08, 2005

My Interview with the Truth Peddler

The Truth Peddler from Freedom Of.... is the latest to join into the interview game. Here are my answers to his questions:

1. If you could take a (Great Com)mission trip anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?

When I first read this question I thought about where I would like to go that I hadn't been before. Then I thought further about it and realized what I needed to focus on would be where God would want me to go if he ever called me to go on such a trip. If I had to pick a particular place it would probably be somewhere in Eastern Europe. I don't speak a second language so it would have to be somewhere that I would still be able to communicate with people without having to know their language.

2. If you had a chance to be part of any story in the Bible, which would it be and why?

I think I would either want to be alongside Joshua or Nehemiah. Both were leaders blessed with incredible wisdom and I believe there is much to learn from both of them.

3. Aliens come down from to Earth and vaporize Wrigley Field and abduct the entire Cubs team. Who do you root for now?

Is there really any other team worth rooting for?

4. What are 3 things you have taught your children that you hope they teach their children?

First, that they love Jesus, accept Him as their savior, and live their lives in obedience to Him.
Second, there is no greater joy in life than obeying God in everything that you do.
Third, that they see being a wife and mother as a honorable calling from God.

5. Who do you think would be more fun to hang out with for a day: the Dukes of Hazzard or the A-Team? Why?

I always thought the A-Team was more fun to hang out with. They seemed to have a lot more fun and enjoy being around each other. Plus I like the idea of working with a team of other guys who try to make the places they visit better that they were when they arrived.

Now it's your turn. If you would like to be interviewed, just leave a comment on this post and I'll come up with 5 questions for you (nothing too personal or embarassing, I promise). Then you post your answers on your blog and send me the link and I'll link to it on my blog. It's a great way to get to know fellow bloggers and promote your blog at the same time.

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